May 18, 2009
How To Make Him Feel You Truly Love Him – 3 Simple Steps!
Although this might sound like a contradicting advice, it's actually quite important. If you show too much affection towards a guy, you actually have the chance of scaring him off. Guys are not just comfortable about exhibiting their emotions too much so you just have to live with this. Although it's all right to bring him lunch at work once in a while or send him a sweet message from time to time, don't go overboard. Don't insist on holding hands in front of his friends or start planning your wedding with his mother.
Follow his pace
If you want to make him feel you truly love him, you need to mirror his pace and reactions. For instance, if he's inviting you to an event with his family, then you can safely assume that he is ready for this stage in the relationship. If he's calling to check on you everyday, this means it's all right for you to do the same. Be observant. Keeping track of how ready he is for a relationship lets you know how fast or slow you should go.
Don't open up too fast
Finally, if you really want to make him feel you truly love him, don't do it too fast! Being the first one to spill your guts and pledge your undying devotion takes the fun out of the chase and we all know guys love the thrill of the chase. Make him feel like he has won you and that you did not surrender so easily.
Apr 27, 2009
Dating on a Dime
Three time-tested tips and tons of ideas to help you save during the wooing phase.
With the economy taking its toll on your pocketbook and Uncle Sam sucking up what little savings you had left on tax day, you're probably in prime money-saving mode right about now, with not a penny to spare.
Unfortunately, the foundering economy doesn't make it any easier to get to know someone new -- or to spend time together without busting your budget. Here are a few ways to woo your sweetheart when you have little to no money to burn.
- Make something – Whether it's dinner, a collage or just a mess, creating something from scratch together is fun, and often free. Bond with your new love interest while you whip up a culinary delight using only what you have in the pantry, get cozy while using old magazines to clip out words that describe each other or try your hand at painting something worth hanging on the fridge.
- Go green – Invite Mother Nature along on your date and go for a walk in your favorite neighborhood, have a mud or snowball fight, find a secluded spot for a picnic, dive into the local swimming hole, sing cowboy songs while camping, tour your college campus at night, go hiking or simply take your romance on the road for a scenic drive.
- Be kids again – Channel your inner child and challenge each other's skills at board games, break out the cameras and take some silly pictures, join an intramural sports team or find an afternoon pickup game, volunteer to play with the puppies at your local animal shelter or launch a movie marathon and agree that the first person who surrenders their spot on the couch has to watch whatever their sweetheart wants.
You don't have to spend money to be romantic. Use these tips to plan fun, memorable dates without spending a dime!
Apr 8, 2009
Find Your Love Match - The Libra Love Life - Success and More Love

The classic Libra looks for harmony and peace, and loves to spend lots of money on luxuries. Libras desire to shine socially and are pleasure-loving, curious, vivacious, affectionate, expressive, energetic, warm, sociable, and very in love with attractive things. As her lover, you are expected to do the same, however, with a certain point of excessiveness, since Libras are very pricey.
In love, this Sign is indecisive about making a commitment. Yes, they are romantic and but they also have a very fickle nature. Libras are very sentimental. While they believe in tender love, they still want to flirt explaining why they cannot settle down with one partner. They want to explore all their options. They want their opportunities to be always culturally accepted. They wish for partners more for convenience than for love. They are quite tolerant lovers and have the ability to get along with anybody that's why a jealous and possessive lover can never stand the fun-loving Libra.
These people are no doubt agreeable and sociable. They are charming and understanding lovers. The problem with these people is that they are often mistaken to be a bit too insecure for they don't want to be left out in a crowd. They try their best not to remain alone. Maybe that is the motive behind their likeness towards others which results them having a lot of acquaintances and very few close loyal friends.
However, this sign is surprisingly, very sensual and generous lover who has deep desire to satisfy and please their lover in bed. They are teasing by nature and are experts in lovemaking. A definite mishmash complicated to defy but you have to be serene with them because for them to have sexual relationship it is important that the other person must demand to their idealistic and loving fantasies. They want to be loved and desired as they are over-romantic and idealistic at heart.